Saturday, April 30, 2005

Newcomers Reception to be Held June 18

There will be a reception for the newly admitted Princeton students on June 18. The time and venue have yet to be arranged.

Friday, April 22, 2005

All Ivy Night to be Held April 29

Princeton has joined an All-Ivy association. The announcement for its first event is above. (Click on the picture to enlarge it.) Posted by Hello

Saturday, April 16, 2005

PC Korea Wins Award for Innovation

The Princeton Club of Korea has won an award for innovation. According to the letter I received, dated April 14, 2005, "the Club has won the Committee on Regional Associations Award for Innovation, which recognizes regional associations that have demonstrated innovation in programming and outreach." The letter specifically cited our distinctive blog (i.e., what you're looking at now), as well as the Princeton-in-Korea History Project. I personally reviewed the list of all awards to be presented at the Alumni Council Annual Meeting, and the Princeton Club of Korea was the only international Princeton organization to win any award. All of the other awards were won by class years, American clubs, or individuals. I don't know what the award looks like, but I'm going to try to attend the meeting, receive the award on behalf of the club, and get back to Korea in time to present it to President Chung on June 7. Wish me luck! Also, don't forget to thank Christina Cragholm '97 for nominating the club for the award. (Thanks again, Christina!)