Come See Pres. Tilghman in Seoul Nov. 2!!!
Please join the reception for President Shirley Tilghman, from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. on November 2, 2004, at the Seoul Club (near the Shilla Hotel). For a map to the Seoul Club, click here: Seoul Club. By the way, YOU MUST REGISTER! To register, email Lee Hyeon-jeong at PLEASE INCLUDE YOUR UPDATED CONTACT INFORMATION--ESPECIALLY YOUR MOBILE PHONE NUMBER. If you have questions, please email Princeton Club of Korea Secretary Jongkyu Park *93 at All Princetonians are strongly encouraged to attend!
For more information about President Tilghman, you can read the announcement about her on Princeton's web site --
Janet Rapelye, the Dean of Admission, will accompany President Tilghman on her trip to Seoul. ("Rapelye" rhymes with "happily," by the way.) For more information on Dean Rapelye, visit Rapelye1 or Rapelye2. Those of you on the ASC team should definitely read all three articles. (Just click on the links above.)
For more information about President Tilghman, you can read the announcement about her on Princeton's web site --
Janet Rapelye, the Dean of Admission, will accompany President Tilghman on her trip to Seoul. ("Rapelye" rhymes with "happily," by the way.) For more information on Dean Rapelye, visit Rapelye1 or Rapelye2. Those of you on the ASC team should definitely read all three articles. (Just click on the links above.)