Holiday Party to be Held on December 23

You are invited to enjoy the holiday season with your fellow Princetonians at the Princeton Holiday Party on Friday, December 23, 2005, from 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. It will be held at the Onyx Room, 2nd floor of Lotte Hotel (Sogong-Dong, phone: 02-771-1000 ) For senior members, the cost is 60,000 won for couples, 40,000 won for singles. For junior members (Class of 2000 or later) it 40,000 won for couples and 20,000 won for singles. Please send the fee to the following Princeton Account and then RSVP to me( in English or Korean to ensure your seat is reserved.
Bank: Korea Exchange Bank
Name: Jongkyu Park (Princeton Club of Korea)
Account Number: 611-016167-773
The event is FREE for current graduate and undergraduate students. Those students need to send me an e-mail to RSVP. Hope to see you all there!
Jongkyu Park(*93)
Secretary General,
Princeton Club of Korea
P.S. Attached are photos of Jennifer's Wedding Ceremony which was held at Ulsan on Oct. 15. Congratulations again !! Jennifer sent to me her message for Princeton Club of Korea as follows;
Hi Mr Park!
Just wanted to send a hello and THANK YOU and the Princeton Club for the lovely flowers. They were indeed displayed prominently at the wedding hall in Ulsan. My Mom and Dad thought it was such a nice arrangement, and a thoughtful gesture. They send their thanks as well. (See their picture, next to the Princeton Club flowers,... and Mom in hanbok!! great!)
It was a nice fusion wedding! Our wedding speaker, Mr. Kim Oh-Gon, who also happens to be my minister here in Seoul, gave a lovely wedding talk in Korean and English. I took your advice, and tried my BEST not to smile too much. (or in my case, giggle, snicker, or high five anyone as well.) I think I succeeded. I took one theater class in my undergrad days; I think I found it useful that day. More pics attached!! After all the stress and planning, it was all worth it!
Yours truly,
Jen '94
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